Thursday, April 18, 2013

Week 2 Of Gleeful Things Month long Giveaway!

Remember last post how I told you all about the very talented Julie over at Gleeful Things and how she was going a month of giveaways? Well shes back for week two, and this weeks theme is Pink! The very lucky winner will receive her High Tide Skully with earflaps, a Heartbeat Skully (which can I just say is so damn cute!!),  one of her adorable little Bearys (seriously, go look at them) and a pair of her Peacock Barefoot Sandals! So how do you enter? Head over to and check out the prize package! You have 4 different chances to win, so get going!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Giveaway Heads Up For Gleeful Things Blog!

So I was up scrolling through my Facebook this afternoon, attempting to kill time, when I came across the Gleeful Things page. Now, if you don't know who this amazing designer is, you need to just pause on reading this, and head on over there. She's a fantastic designer with an amazing eye for colour and creating beautiful patterns. How could this be even better? She just happens to be hosting 1 giveaway each week for the month of April! Anyone else as excited as me??

This weeks giveaway is her Heartbeat Skully hat. Seriously, I bought the pattern. I love the pattern, and I'm pretty sure the only thing that would be better would be to win the hat. I have another hat I bought from her, and it's my absolute favorite hat. SO!! Enough talk, and lets get down to the details: What you all need to do is take yourselves over to and take a peek at the requirements to enter/ win. Once you've read it all... ENTER! And, should you not win, you all need to go over to her shop and check out the absolutely amazing patterns she has for sale! So, go! Enter and share with your friends!! And remember, this is only the first weeks giveaway, so theres more opportunities for you!! 
Enjoy!! xoxo

Monday, April 1, 2013

Little Crochet, Lotsa Babies!

I've been without my main laptop the last little while, because it's been migrating and doing everyones taxes. Which is actually ok, because then I don't have a constant reminder of all the patterns I have...  That I haven't even started, or thought of starting.  But, it's back, and mocking me. I'm using the excuse I've been busy with Easter holidays and cleaning and all that. Truthfully, I pick up my hook, finish a couple stitches, and put it down. I have a couple things to share, but I don't think theres a huge amount... Lets see.

So, this is the owl lovie that I mentioned in my last post. He came out quite fantastic, and I'm veeeery slowly working on some other ones.  Go check out her work. The original page is in Swedish I believe, but you can easily translate it.

This blanket in the making is one that I actually have a huge love for. I made a smaller blanket for my youngest a while back, and my sister was saying how she wanted it. Well, after all the colour changes I did, and all the ends I had to stitch in, there was no way I was doing that again. So I decided that doing a solid colour granny square for her would be a much better idea. I hate that there's ends to sew in, and when I'm being a slacker it seems to take a thousand years, but there has been a few times where I don't want to give it away. At all. Ever. But I love my sister, and I know she'll love this as well.

I've been reading back through the entire 5 other posts I've made (ooooh look at me go), and other than talking about my cats and sounding like a lunatic, I really don't have much about me or my life. So I was thinking maybe I would toss a little more in every so often, and kind of use this as a way to document my life and craft... If I ever find my camera... Ugh.
Anyway. My 'about me' section is kind of a small peek. I'm 25, and live in  a place called Medicine Hat. And yes, it's actually called that. Long story short, there was a medicine man who lost his hat in the river... And BAM, here we are. I was born and raised here, and moved back about 4 years ago with my husband and 2 kids. We've been married 6 years, and have two kids together. I had my first daughter at 19, and she's just gone and turned 6 on me, and made me feel about 100. Ladies and gentlemen, Rayne.
She's your typical girly girl. Likes sparkles and pink and clothes. Lord help me.

Number two came along about 18 months later. (Insert joke/comment about being easy or getting it done here). She's my second girl, and my husbands first child. She's our tomboy, and an interesting mix of both him and I. This is Kahlan.
Blonde hair, blue eyes... Guess who will be heading to a convent for schooling??

My baby is two and a half years younger than Kahlan. We had planned on three kids, but wanted to wait to add number three until after Rayne and Kahlan were in school... We came close, but not quite. Illiana was a HUGE surprise, and finding out on April 1st, 2010 made it even harder to convince everyone that I wasn't being funny.
We celebrated birthday number two in January, and I really just wish she would stop and stay my baby. She was 4 months old when my husband decided that he doesn't make boy babies, and that a trip to the doctor was in order. And so, this adorable ball of trouble is my last baby. :(  However, Rayne seems to think that if we trade in her dad and get a new one, then we can have the little brother that she so desperately wants. I don't understand why. I have a little brother, and I tried to sell him. Remind me to tell you about that another day.

Lets start with this little blurb and kinda go from there. All this typing has, I'm sure, worked off the ridiculous amount of ham and potatoes and cinnamon buns and cupcakes and such that I've eaten in the last couple days, which means it's time to go grab a cookie, and then head to bed. Now that the weather is getting so much nicer, the girls are all up before the sun, which means so am I... Ugh.
Until next time my lovies